Privacy Policy

Ziggy’s Pizza obtains personal details from customers such as name, phone number and email address for the purposes of communicating with you about your order. Ziggy’s pizza will also obtain a customer’s address for the purposes of delivering take away orders. We may retain this information solely for the purpose of making your future ordering process more efficient. Ziggy’s Pizza use Third Party Apps for online ordering and online reservations. If you order online via Bopple app. Click here for Bopple’s Privacy Policy. If you book online via Open Table, your details will be kept on file only for the purpose of making booking easier for you in the future or meeting your visit requirements (click here for OpenTable Privacy information). You may be given the opportunity to opt in or out of receiving special offers and updates from Ziggy’s pizza. If you opt out, your personal details will not be used by Ziggy’s Pizza for marketing purposes. For secure payments, Ziggy’s Pizza uses Third Party Payment Suppliers Square (click here for Square Privacy information) and Stripe (click here for Square Privacy information).